Monday, March 12, 2007


We now have a puppy.

He is a Lab and Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. The puppies were unplanned. There were seven.


Our neighbor has the Ridgeback and our landlords had the Lab.

I think we got the biggest one. Kerry loves big dogs, me I like the medium size ones. I am kina medium size myself.

He was born right before Thanksgiving. We are having a hard time coming up with a name for him. I am open to suggestions. My first two ideas were shot down.

1. Klaus

2. Ruffles

I also wanted a cool bike related name but all I could think of was "shanchion".

I am planning on making him into a good mtn biking dog. Right now all he wants to do is bite stuff.

I took him to the park for his first walk this morning. He isn't too fond of riding in the car yet. It seems to make his food come out his mouth. I thought all dogs loved vw vans? His manners were exceptional on the trail. Here he is digging for a clam or something.


Anonymous said...

Ruffles? Come on!

Anonymous said...

Call him Velo - that's my vote.

Anonymous said...

Name him Sphincter.

It has (cough cough) a good ring to it, eh?